Now Online! The most recent digital editions of QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ

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February QST

Connecting Youth with Ham Radio in the Classroom

“Connecting Youth with Ham Radio in the Classroom” is a first-hand look from two students, Ashley Li and Olivia Wojtczak, at how a School Station Grant from the ARRL Education & Technology Program helped to enhance the engineering curriculum at Staten Island Technical High School. More than 250 students have earned a ham radio license and are engaged in building antennas and learning electronics theory. Read QST


January/February On the Air

Slow-Scan TV: Communicate Over the Airwaves with Pictures

On January 28, the ARRL Education & Learning Department will launch an interactive livestreamed video podcast, On the Air Live. The monthly episodes will teach new and intermediate-level hams different ham radio topics and skills, beginning with slow-scan television (SSTV). In this issue of On the Air, ARRL Education Specialist Wayne Greene, KB4DSF, who will host each episode, introduces the series with “Slow-Scan TV: Communicate Over the Airwaves with Pictures.” Read On the Air


January/February QEX

Space Frequency Block Coding Design for the Neptune Communications Project

Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, describes the design and implementation of SFBC for Neptune, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based microwave-band communications project intended for drone and aerospace deployments. Read QEX


January/February NCJ

The Little Pistol Pages

NCJ columnist Mike Goldstein, VE3GFN, digs into SO2V (Single Operator, 2 VFOs) operating in this issue’s “Little Pistol Pages.” Specifically, Mike illuminates “subtle aspects” of operating in this category with an Elecraft K3 and an Icom IC-7610. Read NCJ


On the Air Podcast

In preparation for the first On the Air Live interactive livestream launching on January 28, we look at the topic: slow-scan TV (SSTV), a ham radio mode that allows you to use RF to send static images. Steve Ford, WB8IMY, author of “SSTV: When a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” in the January/February 2025 issue of On the Air, joins the podcast to share the basics of this mode. Listen Now



Dream Station Sweepstakes

ARRL has introduced a sweepstakes, offering members the chance to win an Icom Dream Station including a limited-edition IC-7760 HF/50 MHz transceiver, IC-PW2 amplifier, and microphone, generously donated by Icom America. The ARRL Sweepstakes will run from January 3 to December 31, 2025. It is the exciting centerpiece of a year-long campaign to encourage new membership, and a fun way for current members to extend their support for ARRL. Learn More


New Book: Ham Radio from Indoors

Ham Radio from Indoors shows you how to install an effective station and indoor antenna system in any setting. Get the most out of your station by exploring operating styles such as CW and popular HF digital modes for low power. It offers advice to help you cure interference problems, as well as a discussion of RF safety. If you’re a ham who can’t put up an outdoor antenna, this book is for you! Order Now


3-Year Membership Offer

We are pleased to introduce the new – second in the series – limited-edition coffee mug featuring a cartoon by the creative artist and ham, Philip “Gil” Gildersleeve. The back of this 10-ounce black and white lacrosse mug features the ARRL diamond and “Member” – just like the Gil mug that was introduced in 2022. Join, renew, or extend your membership for 3 years and use code GIL3 to take advantage of this special promotion. This offer applies to 3-year full memberships only. Renew Today


On-Air Events and Conventions

January VHF | January 18-20, 2025


Orlando HamCation, ARRL Southeastern Division Convention | February 7-9, 2025

Orlando, Florida


Yuma Hamfest, ARRL Southwestern Division Convention | February 14 -15, 2025

Yuma, Arizona


ARRL E-Newsletters

Stay up to date with what is going on in the Amateur Radio world — from weekly news and information emails to monthly contesting news and W1AW updates. Members can select from dozens of email communications to keep them up to date and informed. Subscribe today.


ARRL Letter

Everything you need to know about ARRL and ham radio news in one easy-to-scan newsletter sent weekly.


ARRL Contest Update

Offering a biweekly roundup of information on upcoming contests for both the active and casual contester.


ARES Letter

Interested in emergency communications and public service? The monthly ARES Letter will keep you up to date.


ARRL Club News

This monthly newsletter is for radio clubs to show how they are working in the community to advance the hobby.



A monthly digest of all things related to the ARRL National Traffic System®.