
Welcome to the West Texas Section of ARRL website. The purpose of the website is to provide
information about Amateur Radio, Section activities, Affiliated Club activities and general issues
of interest that affect amateur radio operators within West Texas. The West Texas Section
covers a very diverse area – geographical, environmental and cultural – as well as conditions
that affect radio operation.

There are constant changes in modern amateur radio that keep it an exciting and challenging
hobby. Radios are constantly evolving technically; time tested modes are upgrading, and new
modes are being developed. Additionally, the frequency spectrum we enjoy is being challenged
by commercial endeavors desiring to gain access to more bandwidth. ARRL has been the
watch guards watching Congress and the FCC to keep us informed and proactive in protecting
our access to the frequency spectrum.

This website provides information for new hams, long time hams, local amateur radio club
information and activities, volunteer examiner license testing sessions, event information,
repeater frequencies, emergency communication programs and opportunities and general
information radio nets. You will also find news articles with amateur radio across the country.
Please take time to browse the website. Let us know your ideas for making this Section website
a place you stop by on a regular basis. We are always striving to serve you better.

West Texas Section Manager.

Thank You Dale
We would like to say, “Thank You, Dale”. Your guidance, friendship and dedication to the ARRL
West Texas Section membership is greatly appreciated. You have given many hours of
blood, sweat, and tears over the last 9 1/2 years, (2 as Section Emergency Coordinator
and 7 1/2 as the Section Manager) to the membership of this Section. You focused on
serving, representing the members, and promoting activities and programs of clubs
within the Section. You have kept the Section informed of opportunities and programs
that have benefited through education and financial grants to fund activities. Your tenure
has been marked by a wider acquaintance of members throughout the Section.
I know you will not be able to stay away; so, this is not so much a Goodbye as a Hello to your
next role.
J David Overton, W5JDO
West Texas Section Manager