
The West Texas Section Team


J David Overton KF5WDJJ. David Overton, KF5WDJ
Section Manager

I got my license in my mid-50’s and became interested in the emergency communications aspect of the hobby.  The local Permian Basin Ares Net gave me a start, followed by involvement in the Maritime Mobile Service Net. MMSN led to Winlink, the Hurrican Watch Net, SYWARN, RACES, repeaters, Echolink, Allstar, D-Star and onward  The adventure never ends.  You will always be able to learn something new in Amateur Radio. Email: kf5wdj@att.net




H. Dale Durham, W5WI
Assistant Section Manager

I’ve been interested in Amateur Radio since I was 8 years old. I didn’t get my license until I started flying remote control aircraft and wanted to use 6m band for airplane control frequencies. Email: w5wi@arrl.org

Ron Harden, WT5XRon Harden, WT5X
Section Public Information Coordinator
I have been licensed since mid ’80s and currently hold an Extra Class License. I have served and am again privileged to serve as the Section PIC, Assistant Section Manager, am a past WTX Section Manager. I am an Instructor and VE Liason. I am a past President , Vice Presiden and Secretary of the Key City Amateur Radio Club in Abilene. Don’t let any of that impress you! I’m a glutton for punishment. My true love in this hobby is seeing folks get licensed and on the air. This is a great hobby and just about anyone, with a little work can join us!! Ask me how…I would love to help you. Email: wt5x.rj@gmail.com
Rusty Plocheck, WE5TXSRussel E. Plocheck, WE5TXS
Section Traffic Manager
Email: we5txs@suddenlink.net
Christopher W. Williamson, KD5SYI
Section Youth Coordinator
Email: chris@texasaggie.us
Tammy Harden, KB5NLPTammy Harden, KB5NLP
Assistant Section Manager
Email: kb5nlp@wt5x.org
Billy Roberts, W5NPRBilly D. Roberts, W5NPR
Assistant Section Manager
Email: w5npr@bigbend.net
Carl Jeans, N5YXNCarl Jeans, N5YXN
Assistant Section Manager