FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.
FMI: https://k5lib.org/meetings-and-testing/

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The PARC-W5WX has a club meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at 1900 Line Ave, Amarillo, TX.
Walk-ins Welcome.
The PARC-W5WX has a club meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at 1900 Line Av, Amarillo, TX.
VE Testing Sessions are held at the Abilene Public Library, Mall of Abilene, 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd, Saturday at 1 p.m. local. Preregistration is required at HamStudy.Org (CLICK HERE) Scroll down until you see the date of the test. Click on the time. Register for the session.
Things you need for your test session. HamStudy.org registration number and the $15 test fee (bring exact change). Photo ID Original License and your FRN Number. A Copy of your Official License can be printed from the FCC ULS website Reference copy will not be accepted. You will also need your FRN if your Original Official License does not show it.
If you are not currently licensed you MUST create a free FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the FCC website to complete the Form 605. Your FRN will be needed to complete the application as Social Security Numbers are no longer used.
Optional – Calculator (non-programmable)
If you do not have a FRN number go to: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do
FMI: contact WT5X at wt5x.rj@gmail.com
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
The San Angelo Amateur Radio Club (SAARC) officers would like to remind you of and invite you to attend our monthly (2nd Thursday) general meeting. Meetings start at promptly 7 PM Central. There will be a brief business report, updates on events, and announcements. A program of general interest to the amateur radio community typically follows the business portion of the meeting.
Where: 5513 Stewart Ln, San Angelo, TX 76904 (near the baseball fields at Mathis Field/San Angelo Regional Airport)
When: 7 PM Central on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except December)
Who: Everyone is invited to attend, regardless of license status or club membership status
Can’t attend in person? No problem! Details on how to join the meeting electronically are below. The club currently uses Zoom. Details:
Meeting ID: 857 834 7608
Passcode: 14694
Direct Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/
Questions? Please reply to this email or contact your Club officers at officers@w5qx.org
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! SAARC strongly values your participation.
>> To disable (or re-enable) receiving future event reminders for Club Meeting events click the following link:
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
FMI: https://k5lib.org/
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
Time: 9:00 AM (Walk-ins allowed)
Contact: Bernie Krasowski
(915) 857-5933
Email: bkrasowski@elp.rr.com
The PARC-W5WX has a club meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at 1900 Line Ave, Amarillo, TX.
The PARC-W5WX has a club meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at 1900 Line Av, Amarillo, TX.
VE Testing Sessions are held at the Abilene Public Library, Mall of Abilene, 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd, Saturday at 1 p.m. local. Preregistration is required at HamStudy.Org (CLICK HERE) Scroll down until you see the date of the test. Click on the time. Register for the session.
Things you need for your test session. HamStudy.org registration number and the $15 test fee (bring exact change). Photo ID Original License and your FRN Number. A Copy of your Official License can be printed from the FCC ULS website Reference copy will not be accepted. You will also need your FRN if your Original Official License does not show it.
If you are not currently licensed you MUST create a free FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the FCC website to complete the Form 605. Your FRN will be needed to complete the application as Social Security Numbers are no longer used.
Optional – Calculator (non-programmable)
If you do not have a FRN number go to: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do
FMI: contact WT5X at wt5x.rj@gmail.com
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.
FMI: https://k5lib.org/meetings-and-testing/

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
The San Angelo Amateur Radio Club (SAARC) officers would like to remind you of and invite you to attend our monthly (2nd Thursday) general meeting. Meetings start at promptly 7 PM Central. There will be a brief business report, updates on events, and announcements. A program of general interest to the amateur radio community typically follows the business portion of the meeting.
Where: 5513 Stewart Ln, San Angelo, TX 76904 (near the baseball fields at Mathis Field/San Angelo Regional Airport)
When: 7 PM Central on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except December)
Who: Everyone is invited to attend, regardless of license status or club membership status
Can’t attend in person? No problem! Details on how to join the meeting electronically are below. The club currently uses Zoom. Details:
Meeting ID: 857 834 7608
Passcode: 14694
Direct Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/
Questions? Please reply to this email or contact your Club officers at officers@w5qx.org
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! SAARC strongly values your participation.
>> To disable (or re-enable) receiving future event reminders for Club Meeting events click the following link:
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz)
W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur radio related equipment or appropriate electronics, etc.

FMI: Kf5wdj@att.net
FMI: https://k5lib.org/
146.760 MHz, -, 146.2 Tone