Category: Uncategorized
2022 ARRL Field Day — Ready, Set, GO!
After taking a few detours over the past couple of years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ARRL Field Day rules are being updated on a permanent basis starting this summer. ARRL conducted a Field Day community survey with invitations propagated…
World Amateur Radio Day
World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is April 18 and is celebrated worldwide by radio amateurs and their national associations, which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that the…
Hospital Use of Ham Radio
Over the past couple of months, we have learned of several Hospitals wanting their staff to obtain ham radio licenses to enable the staff to operate Amateur Radio equipment placed in the Hospital during emergencies. In consultation with retired FCC…
Amateur Radio License Expiration Dates
There has been considerable discussion when the expiration date on amateur radio license dates changes. I asked the ARRL VEC for an answer since they work hand and glove with the FCC licensing process. The following is their definitive answer: An…
Publication issues
As many of you have heard, due to COVID and its related shipping and distribution problems, many businesses have had trouble getting paper to print their publications. Unfortunately, the ARRL is among them. Faced with the decision to delay publication…
ARRL News | New FCC Application Fee Will Not Apply To Amateur Radio License Upgrades
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) staff has clarified in response to an ARRL request that the new $35 application fee will not apply to most license modifications, including those to upgrade an Amateur Radio Licensee’s operator class and changes to…
FCC $35 Amateur Application Fee Effective Date Announced
The FCC released a Public Notice on March 23, 2022, stating that the amateur radio application fees, including those associated with Form 605 application filings, would become effective on April 19, 2022. The Federal Communications Commission’s authority to impose and collect…
Critical to Extreme Fire Weather Today
Please look at the attached graphic and the message from the NWS Midland office. The TEXAS Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) State Operations Center has activated in response to current wildfires and the threat of wildfires in West Texas from…
2022 World Amateur Radio Day is April 18
World Amateur Radio Day, held on April 18 each year, is celebrated worldwide by radio amateurs and their national associations which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that…
Winlink Peer to Peer
Good morning, This afternoon’s Winlink Peer to Peer Exercise will have two receiving stations on different frequencies. Dale, W5WI, will be listening on 7112.0 MHZ center frequency (7.110.5 MHz dial frequency). David, KF5WDJ, will be listening on 7115.0 MHz…