Category: Uncategorized
How to Plan and Apply for an ARRL Hamfest or Convention
If your amateur radio club is planning to host a convention, hamfest, tailgate, or swapfest, please consider applying for it to be an ARRL-sanctioned event. To learn what it means to be an ARRL-sanctioned event, and to get some ideas…
Submitting Info for ARRL Newsletter
ARRL Club News is for radio clubs to show how they are working in the community and the hobby to advance amateur radio. If your club completes a project, supports an event, does an EmComm activation, or activates a park,…
ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program
Clubs around the country sponsor VE sessions in order to help new hams get their licenses and to help existing hams upgrade. One of the changes in the last couple of years if the introduction of the $35 FCC License…
The 2023 SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD)
The 2023 SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) is December 2 from 0000z to 2400z. The event honors all SKYWARN storm spotters and amateur radio operators for their contributions to the National Weather Service (NWS) during severe weather. Amateur radio operators also…
For rules and points go to this URL:
Veterans Day 2023 Special Events
Special event stations will offer many opportunities for amateur radio operators to honor Veterans and make contacts for Veterans Day. The K1USN Radio Club will be on the air on Saturday, November 11, 2023, to show their appreciation for those who have…
WAE Contest
This weekend is WAE Contest, Saturday and Sunday, November 4th and 5th, 12:00 Noon Saturday to 12:00 Noon Sunday. I have attached a copy of the rules for those less familiar and hope you will all give it a shot!…
Speak Up for Your Spectrum
60-Meter-Band Comments Due to the FCC by November 28th, 2023 Time is running out to take a stand in the effort to protect amateur allocations on the 60-meter band. At the time of writing, nearly 1,500 comments have been filed,…
Folks please see below. This is an event similar to 13 Colonies and Route 66 on the Air. This event like the others named provide an incentive to work all stations. The value is the excellent test of…
Emergency Communications Panhandle Update
Hello All! It has been a busy few months for the Emergency Communications team up here in the Panhandle of Texas! Here is an update on just a few of the recent events and progress. Regional coms checks amongst the group. Perryton…