Category: Uncategorized


SKYWARN Recognition Day Set for December 3, 2022

SKYWARN Recognition Day Set for December 3, 2022 The annual SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) on-the-air activity will take place Saturday, December 3, 2022, from 0000 to 2400 UTC. For US time zones, activity begins on the evening of Friday, December…

San Angelo Amateur Radio Club (SAARC) 100th anniversary

The San Angelo Amateur Radio Club (SAARC), based in San Angelo, Texas, celebrated their 100th anniversary on October 15, 2022. The club has engaged in a century of community service; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education; emergency preparedness, and…

Texoma Hamarama — Like Arnold, It’s B-a-a-c-k!!!

The absolutely fun Ardmore, Oklahoma Texoma Hamarama, which we have missed for the past years due to the COVID monster is — due to the dedication, hardwork and plain refusal to give up of some great Oklahoma leaders and Texoma…

West Central Texas Emergency Preparedness Conference

Members of the Abilene area Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) and the ARRL WTX Section Manager Dale Durham, W5WI, set up a booth at the West Central Texas Emergency Preparedness Conference, held in the Abilene Convention Center on September 28,…

General Class Courses

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Oct 27 and will run through Thursday, January 5.  There will be 9 sessions, with two breaks for holidays.  The three-hour sessions will start…

SM Update

Hello all, As we all know, Hurricane Ian has caused significant loss or life and property damage in Florida.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the storm, including friends and family not in the impact area….

Want to email a text message?

Here is the most complete and up-to-date list of email addresses that can be used to send text messages to phones. SMS by Email list

Want to win a radio?

The Midland Amateur Radio Club is raffling an Icom IC-705 Transceiver and hosting a tailgate swap meet on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at our clubhouse located next to Christensen Stadium on Loop 250. The swap meet will begin at 8:30 am. If…

Renewing your license?

Here’s what you need to do to register in the new CORES system. You must do this before you can renew your license: THE FCC has a new CORES system – you must create a new account – None of…

ARRL Simulated Emergency Test

Hello Everyone, ARRL has designated the annual ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) take place during the fall and more commonly in October.  This year the State of Texas Department of Emergency Management is holding their Statewide Radio Amateur Civil Emergency…