Category: West Texas Section


Thursday Zoom Session

In our recent discussions questions were asked about a virtual SKYWARN Training session.  David, KF5WDJ our Section Emergency Coordinator made some inquiries with the Midland NWS office and found out that our Zoom group could attend their scheduled virtual Skywarn…


2022 Field Day Survey

Field Day has been an annual event since 1933. It is Amateur Radio’s largest and most popular event. Due to everyone’s favorite virus, COVID, the Field Day Rules were changed for 2020 and 2021. The question is whether those new…

Learn Morse Code

Attention HAMS that want to learn International Morse Code! We will have a class on January 31st, which is a Monday night, at the Southside Abilene Library located in the mall of Abilene at 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm. The…