Duke City Hamfest

The New Mexico Hamvention & the Duke City Hamfest Committee for 2024 are pleased to announce that the Duke City Hamfest for ’24 will be held Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, Sept 20th, 21st and 22nd University of New Mexico @ Continuing Education Center 1634 University Blvd Albuquerque NM. Low-Cost Commercial & Flea market tables are available inside as well as outside Flea Market Spaces! *Lots of GREAT Door Prizes too!

The Duke City Hamfest has partnered with the Crowne Plaza Hotel for the Friday Night Mixer and Banquet venues as well as special room rates. Rooms may be booked online or by calling the hotel directly (toll-free) at 877-227-6963. Please reference Duke City Hamfest when booking. Crowne Plaza Hotel 1901 University Boulevard NE Albuquerque NM. Also, the Duke City Hamfest Forum Committee has released this year’s set of speakers and forum topics on the site. www.dukecityhamfest.org

As the Hamfest approaches, we will be updating the website with lots of information. In addition to the navigation menus above use the following links for quick access to specific information