Morse Code Class

August 23, 2021 @ 18:00 – 19:00
Abilene Mall Library
David Andrews, WB5VIH
Morse Code Class @ Abilene Mall Library

Attention HAMS that want to learn International Morse Code! We will have a class on August 23rd, which is a Monday night, at the Abilene Mall Library at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The class will meet every Monday night for 11 weeks and will cover all the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, as well as other code related signals to effectively communicate using International Morse Code. Anyone interested, either ham or non-ham is welcome to attend the class. There is NO-CHARGE for this class!!!

Contact David Andrews, WB5VIH, on the Abilene 146.760 repeater or at 325-669-2655.

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