W2RCA and the Radio Club of America invite all members and fellow radio amateurs to join in our Spring QSO party.
An SSB-only event, the objective is for members to meet and QSO fellow members, and for budding members to meet the RCA on-the-air.
We will do three bands, to allow East to West coast openings on the various bands: 75,40, and 20m. Feel free to make a QSO on each band as a separate contact. A certificate will be issued to the RCA member with the greatest number of combined 20M/40M/75M QSO’s, and to a non-member for working the greatest number of RCA members. A special bonus is given for working W2RCA, of 10 equivalent QSO’s. W2RCA will be on the air and looking for you!
We encourage everyone to go a bit beyond the usual contest exchange, and have fun rag chewing a bit.
W2RCA will issue special QSL’s to all who participate and we are looking forward to working you. BE SURE TO SPOT W2RCA so others can find the Club station!
The specifics:
TIME: ( May 8 2021 ) 1800- 2300 UTC 20M USB; suggest 14.280-14.300
2200-0300 UTC (into May 9) 40M LSB; suggest 7.240-7.260
0000-0300 UTC (May 9 2021) 75M LSB: Suggest 3.800-3.840
EXCHANGE: Signal report and member year (first in RCA); signal report and QSO number for non-members
LOGS: An email to W1YW@aol.com summarizing results; potential certificate winners will be asked to send a log copy. Submit summary by 10 June 2021.