The ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) reports that the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) electronic batch filing (EBF) system is back online and functioning normally. A message sent by the FCC ULS EBF Team to VECs explains that the technical issues with ULS EBF filing are resolved, and that VECs may resume submitting files containing amateur radio license applications. ARRL VEC has submitted most of the backlog of its files for applications processed on, or after, April 27, and expects to have all of the backlog submitted by the end of the day (May 9).
The PARC-W5WX has a club meeting every first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at 1900 Line Av, Amarillo, TX. Additionally, we have testing after every club meeting, usually starting about 11 am. More details on
VE Testing Sessions are held at the Abilene Public Library, Mall of Abilene, 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd, Saturday at 1 p.m. local. Preregistration is required at HamStudy.Org (CLICK HERE) Scroll down until you see the date of the test. Click on the...
The Concho Valley Traders net takes place at 7:00pm every Tuesday night on the 146.94 MHz Repeater in San Angelo (Offset -0.6, 103.5Hz) W5ODP is hosting this weekly net for buying, selling, trading, seeking, requesting, or giving away any amateur...
Net meets weekly on the Big Bend 2 meter system, Wednesday at 8pm central time. Info about the Big Bend 2 meter system and the net on Also takes check ins on EchoLink K5FD-R