Thursday Section Zoom Session

Zoom Meerting

Good morning, 

The West Texas Section invites you to this evening’s WTX Section weekly ZOOM Meeting. 

Biggest news out of ARRL HQ this week is the Midland ARC St Patrick’s Day Hamfest and West Texas Section Convention is announced in the March QST.  March 15th is the date and the location will again be the MLK Community Center at 2300 Butternut Ln in Midland.  More information on Convention, Hamfest, Swapmeet, Forums, and Elecraft Raffle is available at  Mr Eric Swartz of Elecraft will be the speaker for the 11:00 AM Forum.

We do have some information from the February 18th ARRL Section Managers Meeting.

The topic this week for the 7:30 PM ARES Discussion will be “What is in you go-kit that might be considered unconventional and why do you include it, or was there was something that you at one time wished you had in it but didn’t.”

Don’t forget to mark on you calendar for this year’s annual SKYWARN Training presentation by Whit  on February 27th.  That is next Thursday, folks.  Make plans to attend.  This sill be a review for SKYWARN Spotters – we are all one.  His radar review will be scheduled for a later date.

The invitation to the ZOOM meeting follows 

73 and we look forward to seeing you this evening,

David W5JDO


The ARRL West Texas Section is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ARRL WTX Section Weekly Zoom Meeting Thursdays at 8:00 PM CT with ARES Discussion at 7:30 PM

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 853 5349 5976

Passcode: 240905



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Meeting ID: 853 5349 5976


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