Category: West Texas Section

WTx Zoom July 20th

Hello Everyone, The time is rapidly approaching for our weekly Zoom meeting. This week our ARES portion of the Zoom meeting will discuss communicating in Local areas.  You may have just a HT, but how do you maximize its utility? I…

Zoom Meerting

Thursday Zoom Session

Hello, It is that time again to get ready for our weekly Zoom meeting on Thursday evening.  This week I plan on being with you all, but since I am having Gallbladder surgery Wednesday I may be a bit sore…

Field Day 2023

2023 ARRL Field Day Gear is Now Shipping!

ARRL Field Day is June 24 – 25. Get ready for amateur radio’s largest on-air operating event with official 2023 ARRL Field Day merchandise available for order now. T-shirts, hats, pins, patches, and stickers are great ways to show off your involvement in this annual event. This…

Volunteers on the Air (VOTA 2023)

2023 will be celebrated by ARRL as “The Year of the Volunteer.” More information will be available throughout the year as the details are confirmed. However, the first adventure has been announced as a project called “Volunteers On The Air…

Arctic Weather and Seasons Greetings

Folks, The next few days are going to  be very cold.  Please do Not take this Severe Cold weather lightly.Thankfully we will only see this severe cold for a few days. We must be prepared for it and use extreme…

Special Service Award

Congratulations to Billy D. Roberts, W5NPR, recipient of the 2022 ARRL West Texas Section Special Service Award. Billy Roberts, W5NPR & Dale Durham, W5WI, Section Manager Special Service Award The Special Service Award was given to Billy during the West…


Thursday Zoom Session

In our recent discussions questions were asked about a virtual SKYWARN Training session.  David, KF5WDJ our Section Emergency Coordinator made some inquiries with the Midland NWS office and found out that our Zoom group could attend their scheduled virtual Skywarn…


2022 Field Day Survey

Field Day has been an annual event since 1933. It is Amateur Radio’s largest and most popular event. Due to everyone’s favorite virus, COVID, the Field Day Rules were changed for 2020 and 2021. The question is whether those new…

Learn Morse Code

Attention HAMS that want to learn International Morse Code! We will have a class on January 31st, which is a Monday night, at the Southside Abilene Library located in the mall of Abilene at 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm. The…